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By correcting a valgus deformity of the calcaneus, supporting the navicular and longitudinal arch of the feet, it restores proper foot anatomy and functional movements in the joint.
The correction of the position of the calcaneus and other tarsal bones. Reducing the load within the second and third metatarsal bones. The correction of the big toe. The restoration of normal anatomical conditions of the foot.
The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.
It is intended for the youngest patients just after completing the stage treatment with plaster casts. Its purpose is to maintain the scope movement, mainly dorsiflexion of the foot and abduction of the forefoot obtained during treatment with corrective plasters.
The tutor immobilizes the joint in an intermediate position and corrects the adduction and abduction of the forefoot and the heel bone.
Allows easy adjustment of foot turning to the outside and dorsal flexion.
The PROstarter series of orthoses is designed to provide an initial, quick and economical solution for patients with precisely defined needs.
This series of orthoses is manufactured individually. It is designed for children and young people who need to improve the static or functional conditions of the ankle and foot in diseases and dysfunction of the central or peripheral nervous system.
The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.
A series of orthoses made individually. It is intended for children and adolescents who require improvement of the static or functional conditions of the ankle joint and foot due to diseases and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.
The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.
The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.
The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.
The orthosis is intended for patients with neurological diseases who, due to increased muscle tension, have a flexed position of the foot and contracture of the Achilles tendon, which prevents verticalization.
HIP, THIGH, SHIN AND FEET BRACE HKAFO BASIC VERSION without joints It is recommended for the youngest patients. It allows verticalization, changing the center of gravity, balance training and adjustment reactions.
HKAFO joint plus hip, thigh, shin and foot orthosis VERSION using movable hinges in the hip, knee and ankle joints. It is recommended for older patients. It enables verticalization, balance training and the beginning of movement.
HKAFO THIGH, SHIN AND FEET BRACE The Jjoint plus VERSION using 2 STEPS LOCK or 1 STEP LOCK hinges is recommended for active rehabilitation. It allows you to strengthen your entire body when trying to stand up and stand upright. It allows for anti-gravity training using gait elements such as pelvic control, both leg supports, lunge and step.
Designed for children using the HKAFO orthosis. ERH 90 BASE enables easy and quick integration with the HKAFO orthosis, increasing the frequency of verticalization of the patient.
ORTHO Przeznaczony dla najmłodszych pacjentów z dysfunkcjami i powikłaniami w obrębie kończyny dolnej głównie ortopedycznymi. Orteza ma na celu unieruchomienie w określonej pozycji i stopniowe zwiększanie zakresu ruchu. Posiada regulowane przeguby stawu kolanowego 1R/30 small. Uniwersalność ortezy pozwala na selektywne stosowanie jej części.
The apparatus with a double-rail construction stabilizes the foot, as well as the knee and ankle joints. Two points in the thigh and shin parts allow for individual fitting of the apparatus and the adjustment of the degree of stabilization.
The apparatus with a rigid frame construction covering the whole lower limb. It stabilizes the knee joint and ankle joint in the case of dysfunctions of various origins. It has the possibility of adjusting the length of the side rails of the ankle joint, ensuring the individualization of the apparatus to the child’s height.
The apparatus is quipped with an extension mechanism of the joint. It is used in case of spasticity and muscle contractures bending the knee and ankle joints. It has the possibility of adjusting the length of the side rails of the ankle joint.
NEURO EXTENSE. Orteza pozwala przywrócić oraz utrzymać właściwą długość mięśni zginających kolano oraz stopę. Orteza w wersji MANUAL extense wyposażona jest w nastawne przeguby, które umożliwiają dowolną, płynna zmianą kąta. Stopniowo zwiększając zakres w stawie.
The device is to be used at night. It stabilises and immobilises the knee joint and ankle in extension to maintaining the therapeutic effects as a result of exercise and orthopaedic surgical intervention. Low weight of the device and a soft, lined shoe with the thigh and tibia section ensure comfort of use.
An orthesis with a static, resting action. Intended for day or night use. It stabilizes the entire lower limb in extension and affects on the knee joint correctively.
Orteza ma na celu poprawę stabilizacji w obrębie miednicy oraz korekcję ustawienia kończyn dolnych w stawach biodrowych. Przeznaczona jest dla pacjentów zarówno ze wzmożonym oraz niskim napięciem mięśniowym. Zapobiega spastycznej pracy przywodzicieli lub wiotkiemu odwiedzeniowemu w stawach biodrowych.
The orthosis is designed for children with congenital or acquired dislocation and dysplasia of the hip joint. The orthosis through its easy and simple forming ensures alignment of the lower limbs at any angle of abduction and flexion in the hip joints.
The apparatus is designed for patients with increased or spastic hip adductor work that causes pocket knife walking in the course of cerebral palsy, and secondarily it may lead to subluxation or dislocation of the joint.
The apparatus corrects excessive internal or external rotation in the hip joint and the position of the foot towards the lower thigh. The material used is skin-friendly, does not cause irritation and does not limit the movements.
Versatile orthosis provides medial/lateral support to the joint elbow or knee joint. Movable side hinges make it possible regulation of the range of motion of flexion and extension.
The apparatus with a double-rail construction stabilizes and immobilizes the knee joint. It has a possibility of adjusting the angle of flexion and extension.
The apparatus stabilizes and immobilizes the knee joint. It is equipped with side rails and a breech of the joint with a possibility of adjusting the angle of flexion and extension every 15°. The resurfacing head of the knee joint additionally stabilizes in extension and improves the upright position.
The orthosis is mainly used in children with gait disorders resulting from hyperextension of the knee joint. Intended for patients with mild and moderate dysfunction.
The apparatus is quipped with an extension mechanisms of the joint. It is used in case of spasticity and muscle contractures bending the knee and ankle joints. It also comes in a version covering the ankle joint and the foot.
The orthosis in a static operation. It stabilizes and immobilizes the knee joint in flexion relatively every 20°. Side immobilization has the possibility of individual forming.
Intended for patients with injuries to the upper limb neurological. It allows you to maintain the correct position of the upper limb and the entire shoulder girdle. Provides shoulder relief and head repositioning humerus and external rotation in the shoulder joint.
An alternative to the Desault plaster cast. Used as supplies post-traumatic, orthopedic dysfunctions. Stable immobilizes the upper limb and shoulder girdle.
A series of orthoses intended for children with a functionally wrong positioning of the wrist and the thumb joint in the course of neurological disorders. The orthosis covers the thenar and the thumb, abducts it and prevents its flexion positioning.
A series of orthoses intended for children with a functionally wrong positioning of the wrist and the thumb joint in the course of neurological disorders.
A series of orthoses intended for children with a functionally wrong positioning of the wrist and the thumb joint in the course of neurological disorders.
The Hybrid version is intended mainly for neurological patients. It provides better hand correction options in case of muscle spasticity. The corrective action covers the wrist joint and the thumb.
The splint covers the wrist, palm and fingers. It allows individual forming of the palm ensuring the correction of the palm and fingers. The Classic version for patients with orthopedic injuries mostly.
The Hybrid version gives better possibilities of hand correction in case of muscle spasticity. The palm section enables individual formation and thus ensures the correction of the palm and fingers.
It stabilizes and immobilizes the elbow in extension. It has side supports, which can be individually formed. It is an alternative to conventional plaster cast used in case of injuries and after orthopedic surgeries.
Versatile orthosis provides medial/lateral support to the joint elbow or knee joint. Movable side hinges make it possible regulation of the range of motion of flexion and extension.
Due to the very thin side splints and the small hinge of the elbow joint, the orthosis is intended for the youngest patients with limitations in the elbow joint that require immobilization in a specific position and gradual increase in the range of motion.
Due to the very thin side splints and small hinges of the elbow and wrist joints, the orthosis is intended for the youngest patients. It enables immobilization and gradual increase in the range of extension of the elbow and wrist joints, as well as supination and pronation of the forearm.
wersja KANGAROO ZIP - ZAP Orteza ma na celu poprawę warunków statycznych oraz dynamicznych w obrębie tułowia i całej sylwetki. Cienka z pojedynczą warstwą i centralnym zamkiem pozwala na łatwe i szybki zakładanie i zdejmowanie.
wersja KANGAROO BASIC cienka jednowarstwowa kamizelka przeznaczona jest dla najmłodszych pacjentów, wykazujących aktywność w leżeniu oraz niskich pozycjach. Pełzanie, czworakowanie, próby siedzenia.
wersja KANGAROO REGULAR dodatkowa warstwa lycry z przodu oraz regulację tęgości na bokach wpływają na łatwość w obsłudze. Dwuczęściowa budowa ułatwia zakładanie. Występuje z dodatkową stabilizacją grzbietową, z możliwością do modelowania.
wersja KANGAROO EASY dwuczęściowa budowa pozwala na wygodny sposób jej zakładania u pacjentów z problemami dużej niestabilności oraz leżących. Przeznaczony głównie do poprawy stabilizacji w siedzeniu lub podczas pionizacji.
wersja KANGAROO PANTS z nogawkami oraz zamkiem centralnym dedykowana jest dla pacjentów chodzących. Orteza obejmując całą miednicę oraz uda wspomaga jej stabilizację a dodatkowe taśmy umożliwiają korekcję jej przodopochylenia.
The orthosis is intended for children with neurological and locomotor deficits and other diseases. Aimed at improving static and dynamic conditions in the torso and the entire figure.
NEURO Stabilizuje miednicę oraz tułów pacjentów ze skoliozą neurogenną. Przeznaczony jest do stosowania podczas pionizacji, siedzenia oraz lokomocji. Gorset umożliwiają stopniową modyfikację kształtu. Przeznaczony dla pacjentów starszych, z większą wagą.
NEURO Gorset wykonywany jest w formie dwuczęściowej. Cześć grzbietowa mocno stabilizuje i koryguje ustawienie kręgosłupa względem miednicy. Część brzuszna poprzez kompresję wspomaga stabilizację, zachowując swobodę w oddychaniu. Przeznaczony dla młodszych pacjentów z asymetrią ułożeniową lub początkami skoliozy.
A rigid orthosis with extension action mainly in the frontal plane. It enables the stabilization and correction of the trunk relative to the pelvis. It prevents lateral spine curvatures.
The aim of a corset is to obtain correction and halt the curve progression in children s growth jumps. Other purposes of the corset are: providing vertebrae, muscles and ligaments correct conditions for growth and development through freedom of movement when performing exercises aiming at their rehabilitation and recovery.
ORTHO Gorset przeznaczony dla pacjentów z pogłębioną kyfozą lub zmianami o charakterze ch. Scheurmanna Gorset oddziałuje silnie wyprostnie na kręgosłup piersiowy. Koryguje ustawienie obręczy barkowej wobec tułowia i miednicy.
A semi-rigid orthosis with extension action mainly in the frontal plane. It enables the stabilization and correction of the trunk relative to the pelvis. It prevents lateral spine curvatures.
Extension brace acting primarily in the sagittal plane. It stabilizes and relieves thoracic-lumbar-sacral spine. It corrects the position of the shoulder girdle and the deepened thoracic kyphosis.
A corset with extension action, immobilizing in three planes, with optional additional stabilization of the cervical spine.
ORTHO Gorset przeznaczony jest do korekcji deformacji klatki piersiowej. Wykonywany jest w kilku wzorach. W formie peloty centralnej, oddziaływującej bezpośrednio na mostek lub pelot dystalnych do oparcia na łukach żebrowych.
It stabilizes the shoulder girdle in the conservative treatment of the clavicle fractures. It complements the program of corrective exercises in the habit-forming process of correct posture.
It is used in patients qualifying for posture correction as a supplement to the corrective gymnastics program in the process of developing the habit of proper holding.
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