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ERH 52/1 manual extense, shin and thigh device relieving the knee joint

ERH 52/1 manual extense, shin and thigh device relieving the knee joint

ERH 35.UNIVERSAL Universal stabilizing and immobilizing orthosis with flexion and extension adjustment.

ERH 35.UNIVERSAL Universal stabilizing and immobilizing orthosis with flexion and extension adjustment.

Versatile orthosis provides medial/lateral support to the joint elbow or knee joint. Movable side hinges make it possible regulation of the range of motion of flexion and extension.

ERH 43 Open modular knee apparatus

ERH 43 Open modular knee apparatus

The apparatus with a double-rail construction stabilizes and immobilizes the knee joint. It has a possibility of adjusting the angle of flexion and extension.

ERH 43/1 Open modular knee apparatus with canopy

ERH 43/1 Open modular knee apparatus with canopy

The apparatus stabilizes and immobilizes the knee joint. It is equipped with side rails and a breech of the joint with a possibility of adjusting the angle of flexion and extension every 15°. The resurfacing head of the knee joint additionally stabilizes in extension and improves the upright position.

ERH 35/2 antihyperextension, Children’s orthosis correcting hyperextension of the knee joint

ERH 35/2 antihyperextension, Children’s orthosis correcting hyperextension of the knee joint

The orthosis is mainly used in children with gait disorders resulting from hyperextension of the knee joint. Intended for patients with mild and moderate dysfunction.

ERH 52/1 Tibia and thigh apparatus redressing the knee joint, Neuroextense series

ERH 52/1 Tibia and thigh apparatus redressing the knee joint, Neuroextense series

The apparatus is quipped with an extension mechanisms of the joint. It is used in case of spasticity and muscle contractures bending the knee and ankle joints. It also comes in a version covering the ankle joint and the foot.

ERH 45 Open single joint brace

ERH 45 Open single joint brace

The orthosis in a static operation. It stabilizes and immobilizes the knee joint in flexion relatively every 20°. Side immobilization has the possibility of individual forming.

Individual products

In cases where it is not possible to use a serial product, we offer a custom-made product - both for adults and children.

Catalogs to download

We present you the latest
ERHEM product catalogs.
The catalogs are divided by product type,
thanks to this you will easily find the right one for yourself.

For adults    For childrens   
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39-200 Dębica