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ERH 45/3 KAFO Joint plus, 1R/30 small

ERH 45/3 KAFO Joint plus, 1R/30 small

ERH 67, KAFO joint plus, 1R/15

ERH 67, KAFO joint plus, 1R/15


ERH 67, KAFO joint plus, 1R/30

ERH 67, KAFO joint plus, 1R/30


ERH 67 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal, KAFO Neuro series/ przegub kolana 1R/15, foot Basic

ERH 67 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal, KAFO Neuro series/ przegub kolana 1R/15, foot Basic

The apparatus with a rigid frame construction covering the whole lower limb. It stabilizes the knee joint and ankle joint in the case of dysfunctions of various origins. It has the possibility of adjusting the length of the side rails of the ankle joint, ensuring the individualization of the apparatus to the child’s height.

ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO Neuroextense series

ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO Neuroextense series

The apparatus is quipped with an extension mechanism of the joint. It is used in case of spasticity and muscle contractures bending the knee and ankle joints. It has the possibility of adjusting the length of the side rails of the ankle joint.

ERH 67/1 manual extense, KAFO Joint plus,

ERH 67/1 manual extense, KAFO Joint plus,

ERH 45/1 Brace for lower limb, KAFO Ortho series

ERH 45/1 Brace for lower limb, KAFO Ortho series

The device is to be used at night. It stabilises and immobilises the knee joint and ankle in extension to maintaining the therapeutic effects as a result of exercise and orthopaedic surgical intervention. Low weight of the device and a soft, lined shoe with the thigh and tibia section ensure comfort of use.

ERH 45/2 Valgus/Varus, Children orthosis on the entire lower limb correction, KAFO Ortho series

ERH 45/2 Valgus/Varus, Children orthosis on the entire lower limb correction, KAFO Ortho series

An orthesis with a static, resting action. Intended for day or night use. It stabilizes the entire lower limb in extension and affects on the knee joint correctively.

ERH 43/2 The open modular apparatus with sandal for lower limb, KAFO Ortho series

ERH 43/2 The open modular apparatus with sandal for lower limb, KAFO Ortho series

The apparatus with a double-rail construction stabilizes the foot, as well as the knee and ankle joints. Two points in the thigh and shin parts allow for individual fitting of the apparatus and the adjustment of the degree of stabilization.

Individual products

In cases where it is not possible to use a serial product, we offer a custom-made product - both for adults and children.

Catalogs to download

We present you the latest
ERHEM product catalogs.
The catalogs are divided by product type,
thanks to this you will easily find the right one for yourself.

For adults    For childrens   
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39-200 Dębica