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Strona główna >Orthotics for adults >Trunk braces >Lumbar/sacral spine section - LSO
ERH 36 Sacro-lumbal low belt, REHAortho series

ERH 36 Sacro-lumbal low belt, REHAortho series

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

ERH 37 Sacro-lumbal belt, REHAortho series

ERH 37 Sacro-lumbal belt, REHAortho series

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

ERH 61 Orthopedic strengthening belt, REHAproactive series

ERH 61 Orthopedic strengthening belt, REHAproactive series

Designer for people carrying out hard physical work, as prevention of strains and supplement to the rehabilitation in ongoing disorders. The product is reinforced with four flexible stainless steel fins shaped, which reflect the spine curvature.

ERH 37/1 High sacro-lumbar belt

ERH 37/1 High sacro-lumbar belt

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

ERH 62 High lumbo-sacral jacket, REHAortho series

ERH 62 High lumbo-sacral jacket, REHAortho series

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

ERH 48 High semi-rigid jacket, REHAortho series

ERH 48 High semi-rigid jacket, REHAortho series

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

Individual products

In cases where it is not possible to use a serial product, we offer a custom-made product - both for adults and children.

Catalogs to download

We present you the latest
ERHEM product catalogs.
The catalogs are divided by product type,
thanks to this you will easily find the right one for yourself.

For adults    For childrens   
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