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Strona główna >Ortotyka dla dorosłych >Upper limb braces >Elbow joint - wrist joint- hand >ERH 56/1 Arm and forearm apparatus providing the elbow joint redressment, REHAneuro / neuroextense series

ERH 56/1 Arm and forearm apparatus providing the elbow joint redressment, REHAneuro / neuroextense series

  • Post-surgical elbow joint immobilization with movement limitation and its gradual increase
  • Post-traumatic elbow join movement restrictions requiring extension
  • Fractures and injuries that require immobilization in specific position

  • The apparatus stabilizes and corrects the position of elbow joint, wrist, hand and fingers
  • It counteracts the movement range limitations of the elbow and wrist joints

  • The splint embraces and immobilizes the wrist, hand and fingers
  • The appliances are equipped with two lateral splints with possibility of flexion and extension angle regulation every 15 degrees
  • Regulation of movement range enables redressment in the joint or the limb immobilization in a desired position
  • ERH 56/1 apparatus is equipped with a pneumatic extension mechanism causing constant and fluent movement of stretching contracted muscles responsible for flexing in the join
  • The palmar part enables individual adaptation providing correction of hand and fingers position
  • The soft tightening tapes provide anatomical adaptation and regulation of compression level

Size S M L
Wrist circumference in cm 13-17 17-21 21-30
Length of the forearm splint in cm 19 21 23
Length of the shoulder splint in cm 13,5 13,5 22

ERHEM’s products are subject to reimbursement of purchase costs by:

National Health Fund

To apply for a refund of any product, follow the algorithm below

  1. The family doctor issues a referral to a specialist
  2. The specialist doctor issues an order (application) for orthopedic equipment
  3. The order (application) must be confirmed at the NFZ branch
  4. Confirmed order (application) can be carried out in the medical salon


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Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Zakład Elektromechaniczny ERHEM Hończak i Wspólnicy Sp.J., Aleksandra Puszkina 6, 39-200 Dębica (dalej: erhem.pl) moich danych osobowych oraz danych dotyczących korzystania przeze mnie z portalu erhem.pl w ramach korespondencji. Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że mogę w dowolnym momencie wycofać tę zgodę. Wycofanie przeze mnie zgody nie ma wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie mojej zgody przed jej wycofaniem. Oświadczam, że zapoznałem się z Polityką Prywatności i akceptuję ich warunki. *

Produkty powiązane
ERH 59/1. ERBA, Aparat na bark, ramie i przedramię

ERH 59/1. ERBA, Aparat na bark, ramie i przedramię

Przeznaczona dla pacjentów z urazami w obrębie kończyny górnej o podłożu neurologicznym. Umożliwia zachowanie właściwej pozycji kończyny górnej oraz całej obręczy barkowej. Zapewnia odciążenie barku, repozycję głowy kości ramiennej oraz rotację zewnętrzną w stawie ramiennym.

ERH 34.DESAULT, Kamizelka stawu barkowego

ERH 34.DESAULT, Kamizelka stawu barkowego

Alternatywa gipsowego opatrunku Desaulta. Stosowana jako zaopatrzenie pourazowe, dysfunkcji o charakterze ortopedycznym. Stabilnie unieruchamia kończynę górna oraz obręcz barkową.

ERH 66/3 STEP SIT Orteza stabilizująco-korygująca staw biodrowy, miednicę oraz tułów

ERH 66/3 STEP SIT Orteza stabilizująco-korygująca staw biodrowy, miednicę oraz tułów

Orteza ma na celu korekcję ustawienia tułowia, miednicy oraz stawu biodrowego dla zapewnienia właściwej pozycji siedzącej w trakcie codziennej aktywności.

ERH 66/3 STEP SIT + accessories

ERH 66/3 STEP SIT + accessories

Platforma jezdna oraz stolik zaprojektowane są z myślą o pacjentach korzystających już z ortezy ERH 66/3 step sit. Pozwalają na zwiększenie mobilności dziecka, umożliwiają zdobywanie niezależności, w przemieszczaniu się oraz wchodzenie w interakcje z otoczeniem.

Pionizator statyczny ERH 90.COMPLETE

Pionizator statyczny ERH 90.COMPLETE

Daje możliwość pionizowania bez dodatkowych urządzeń. Umożliwia mobilność w pionie, korzystnie wpływa na drenaż dróg moczowych oraz układ krążenia ułatwiając procesy trawienia. Pomoże także zmniejszyć przykurcze oraz zapobiegać odleżynom.

HKAFO.BASIC Orteza obejmująca obręcz biodrową, uda, golenie i stopy

HKAFO.BASIC Orteza obejmująca obręcz biodrową, uda, golenie i stopy

WERSJA BASIC z wykorzystaniem ruchomego zawiasu w stawie skokowym. Rekomendowana jest dla najmłodszych pacjentów. Umożliwia pionizację, zmianę środka ciężkości, trening balansu oraz reakcji nastawczych.

HKAFO.JOINT PLUS Orteza obejmująca obręcz biodrową, uda, golenie i stopy

HKAFO.JOINT PLUS Orteza obejmująca obręcz biodrową, uda, golenie i stopy

WERSJA z wykorzystaniem dodatkowych ruchomych zawiasów w stawie biodrowym lub kolanowym rekomendowana jest starszych pacjentów. Umożliwia pionizację, trening balansu oraz początki przemieszczania się.

HKAFO.Joint Plus Orteza obejmująca obręcz biodrową, uda, golenie i stopy.

HKAFO.Joint Plus Orteza obejmująca obręcz biodrową, uda, golenie i stopy.

WERSJA NEURO z wykorzystaniem zawiasów 2 STEPS LOCK lub 1 STEP LOCK rekomendowana jest do prowadzenia aktywnej rehabilitacji. Umożliwia wzmacnianie całej sylwetki podczas prób wstawania i pionizacji. Pozwala na trening antygrawitacyjny z wykorzystaniem elementów chodu jak kontrola miednicy, podpór obunóż, wykrok i zakrok.

HKAFO + accessories ERH 90 BASE

HKAFO + accessories ERH 90 BASE

Zaprojektowane z myślą o dzieciach korzystających z pomocy ortezy HKAFO. ERH 90 BASE umożliwia łatwy i szybki sposób integrowania z ortezą HKAFO zwiększając częstotliwość pionizacji pacjenta.

ERH 42/3 Elbow joint brace

ERH 42/3 Elbow joint brace

It stabilizes and immobilizes the elbow in extension. It has side supports, which can be individually formed. It is an alternative to conventional plaster cast used in case of injuries and after orthopedic surgeries.

ERH 35. Uniwersal, Uniwersalna orteza stabilizująco – unieruchamiająca z regulacją zgięcia i wyprostu.

ERH 35. Uniwersal, Uniwersalna orteza stabilizująco – unieruchamiająca z regulacją zgięcia i wyprostu.

Wszechstronna orteza zapewnia wsparcie przyśrodkowe / boczne dla stawu łokciowego lub stawu kolanowego. Ruchome boczne zawiasy umożliwiają regulację zakresu ruchu zgięcia i wyprostu.

ERH 42 Stiff/ Orteza stawu łokciowego

ERH 42 Stiff/ Orteza stawu łokciowego

Ze względu na bardzo cienkie szyny boczne oraz mały zawias stawu łokciowego orteza przeznaczona dla najmłodszych pacjentów z ograniczeniami w stawie łokciowym wymagającymi unieruchomienia w określonej pozycji i stopniowego zwiększania zakresu ruchu.

ERH 56/1 Aparat na ramię i przedramię redresujący staw łokciowy

ERH 56/1 Aparat na ramię i przedramię redresujący staw łokciowy

Ze względu na bardzo cienkie szyny boczne oraz małe zawiasy stawu łokciowego oraz nadgarstkowego orteza przeznaczona jest dla najmłodszych pacjentów. Umożliwia unieruchomienie oraz stopniowe zwiększanie zakresu wyprostu stawu łokciowego, nadgarstkowego oraz supinację i pronację przedramienia.

ERH 35/M Knee stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/M Knee stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

Prevention of minor trauma to the knee joint. Nursing the joint during immunological and strain-related degenerative disorder.

ERH 35/R Knee stabilizing brace with kneecap opening, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/R Knee stabilizing brace with kneecap opening, REHAproactive series

Prevention of minor trauma to the knee joint. Nursing the joint during immunological and strain-related degenerative disorder. Additional knee cap stabilization prevents traumatic and habitual displacements.

ERH 35/R/1 Kneecap stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/R/1 Kneecap stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

Stabilization of the patellar-thigh joint in the prevention of contusions during sports activities and a complement to post-traumatic joint rehabilitation.

ERH 35/F Kneecap stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/F Kneecap stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

Healing completion and convalescence after traumatic injuries of the knee joint. Protection in physical exercise during active rehabilitation. Additional stability through four metal lateral fins enhances joint stabilization.

ERH 35/F/U Knee stabilizing brace with slant belts, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/F/U Knee stabilizing brace with slant belts, REHAproactive series

Healing completion and convalescence after traumatic injuries of the knee joint. Protection in physical exercise during active rehabilitation. Additional stability through four metal lateral fins and slant belts enhances the joint stability.

ERH 35/K/S Knee joint brace short Sport, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/K/S Knee joint brace short Sport, REHAproactive series

The sewn-in biaxial lateral splints provide stability and safety during sports activity and the return to full physical performance. Indispensable in treatment, completion of treatment and prevention of traumatic, bacterial and degenerative dysfunctions.

Constitutional hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis HKAFO

Constitutional hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis HKAFO

For children with CP and myelomeningocele in the absence of control of the pelvis and lower extremities. It stabilizes the lower limbs and trunk during upright standing and walking reeducation.

ERH 68 Hips dysplasia treatment orthosis – Hipi, Hip to Move series

ERH 68 Hips dysplasia treatment orthosis – Hipi, Hip to Move series

The orthosis is designed for children with congenital or acquired dislocation and dysplasia of the hip joint. The orthosis through its easy and simple forming ensures alignment of the lower limbs at any angle of abduction and flexion in the hip joints.

ERH 66/2 Apparatus stabilizing – abducting the hip joint with adjustable flexion and extension – Step to, Hip to Move series

ERH 66/2 Apparatus stabilizing – abducting the hip joint with adjustable flexion and extension – Step to, Hip to Move series

The apparatus is designed for patients with increased or spastic hip adductor work that causes pocket knife walking in the course of cerebral palsy, and secondarily it may lead to subluxation or dislocation of the joint.

ERH 70 Apparatus enabling derotation of lower limb, series Rotho

ERH 70 Apparatus enabling derotation of lower limb, series Rotho

The apparatus corrects excessive internal or external rotation in the hip joint and the position of the foot towards the lower thigh. The material used is skin-friendly, does not cause irritation and does not limit the movements.

ERH 66/1 Immobilizing – redressing hip joint apparatus – Butterfly, Hip to Move series

ERH 66/1 Immobilizing – redressing hip joint apparatus – Butterfly, Hip to Move series

The apparatus in a static operation immobilizes the hip joint in any angle of abduction, flexion and extension of the limb. In a dynamic operation it stabilizes the pelvis, prevents internal rotation and adduction / crossing of the limbs during walking. It also supports the reciprocating movement of the limbs, including the movement of the pelvis in the frontal plane.

FO Soft, Orthopedic insole – trough supinating the calcaneus, FO series

FO Soft, Orthopedic insole – trough supinating the calcaneus, FO series

By correcting a valgus deformity of the calcaneus, supporting the navicular and longitudinal arch of the feet, it restores proper foot anatomy and functional movements in the joint.

FO Strong, FO series

FO Strong, FO series

The correction of the position of the calcaneus and other tarsal bones. Reducing the load within the second and third metatarsal bones. The correction of the big toe. The restoration of normal anatomical conditions of the foot.

DAFO Classic, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

DAFO Classic, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.

ERH 49/5.STARTER, Orteza unieruchamiajaco – korygująca stopę i staw skokowy, seria Snake system

ERH 49/5.STARTER, Orteza unieruchamiajaco – korygująca stopę i staw skokowy, seria Snake system

Przeznaczona jest dla najmłodszych pacjentów tuż po zakończeniu etapu leczenia opatrunkami gipsowymi. Ma za zadanie utrzymanie zakresu ruchu, głównie zgięcia grzbietowego stopy oraz odwiedzenia przodostopia uzyskanego w trakcie leczenia gipsami korygującymi.

ERH 49/5 The brace immobilizing and correcting foot and talocrural joint, Snake system series

ERH 49/5 The brace immobilizing and correcting foot and talocrural joint, Snake system series

The tutor immobilizes the joint in an intermediate position and corrects the adduction and abduction of the forefoot and the heel bone.

ERH 49/6 Denis – Brown rail

ERH 49/6 Denis – Brown rail

Allows easy adjustment of foot turning to the outside and dorsal flexion.



Seria ortez PROstarter ma na celu wstępne, szybkie oraz ekonomiczne rozwiązanie dla pacjentów ze ściśle określonymi potrzebami.

AFO Extra long, Orthosis covering shin and foot, AFO/DAFO series

AFO Extra long, Orthosis covering shin and foot, AFO/DAFO series

This series of orthoses is manufactured individually. It is designed for children and young people who need to improve the static or functional conditions of the ankle and foot in diseases and dysfunction of the central or peripheral nervous system.

DAFO Active 3, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

DAFO Active 3, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.

AFO Classic, Orthosis covering shin and foot, AFO/DAFO series

AFO Classic, Orthosis covering shin and foot, AFO/DAFO series

The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.

AFO Night, Orteza obejmująca goleń i stopę AFO Basic, seria AFO/DAFO

AFO Night, Orteza obejmująca goleń i stopę AFO Basic, seria AFO/DAFO

Seria ortez wykonywana indywidualnie. Przeznaczona jest dla dzieci i młodzieży wymagających poprawy warunków statycznych lub funkcjonalnych stawu skokowego oraz stopy w przebiegu schorzeń i dysfunkcji centralnego lub obwodowego układu nerwowego.

DAFO Active 2, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

DAFO Active 2, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.

DAFO Night, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

DAFO Night, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.

DAFO Active 1, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

DAFO Active 1, Short orthosis correcting axial disorders in the frontal plane, AFO/DAFO series

The series of orthoses is made individually and designed for children and young people who need to improve static or functional conditions of their foot and ankle joint in the course of disorders and dysfunctions of the central or peripheral nervous system.

ERH 71 Ortho Sleeve apparatus for crus with sandal

ERH 71 Ortho Sleeve apparatus for crus with sandal

The apparatus designed for Patients with walking disorders in the course of disease and dysfunctions of the central and peripheral nervous system. A flexible part of the foot is equipped with a contoured longitudinal arch, reduces supination and pronation of the foot and dynamically restores it to the intermediate position during movement.

ERH 45/1 Brace for lower limb, KAFO Ortho series

ERH 45/1 Brace for lower limb, KAFO Ortho series

The device is to be used at night. It stabilises and immobilises the knee joint and ankle in extension to maintaining the therapeutic effects as a result of exercise and orthopaedic surgical intervention. Low weight of the device and a soft, lined shoe with the thigh and tibia section ensure comfort of use.

ERH 45/2 Valgus/Varus, Children orthosis on the entire lower limb correction, KAFO Ortho series

ERH 45/2 Valgus/Varus, Children orthosis on the entire lower limb correction, KAFO Ortho series

An orthesis with a static, resting action. Intended for day or night use. It stabilizes the entire lower limb in extension and affects on the knee joint correctively.

ERH 43/2 The open modular apparatus with sandal for lower limb, KAFO Ortho series

ERH 43/2 The open modular apparatus with sandal for lower limb, KAFO Ortho series

The apparatus with a double-rail construction stabilizes the foot, as well as the knee and ankle joints. Two points in the thigh and shin parts allow for individual fitting of the apparatus and the adjustment of the degree of stabilization.

ERH 67 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal, KAFO Neuro series/ przegub kolana 1R/15, foot Basic

ERH 67 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal, KAFO Neuro series/ przegub kolana 1R/15, foot Basic

The apparatus with a rigid frame construction covering the whole lower limb. It stabilizes the knee joint and ankle joint in the case of dysfunctions of various origins. It has the possibility of adjusting the length of the side rails of the ankle joint, ensuring the individualization of the apparatus to the child’s height.

ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO Neuroextense series

ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO Neuroextense series

The apparatus is quipped with an extension mechanism of the joint. It is used in case of spasticity and muscle contractures bending the knee and ankle joints. It has the possibility of adjusting the length of the side rails of the ankle joint.

ERH 35.UNIVERSAL Uniwersalna orteza stabilizująco-unieruchamiająca z regulacją zgięcia i wyprostu.

ERH 35.UNIVERSAL Uniwersalna orteza stabilizująco-unieruchamiająca z regulacją zgięcia i wyprostu.

Wszechstronna orteza zapewnia wsparcie przyśrodkowe / boczne dla stawu łokciowego lub stawu kolanowego. Ruchome boczne zawiasy umożliwiają regulację zakresu ruchu zgięcia i wyprostu.

ERH 43 Open modular knee apparatus

ERH 43 Open modular knee apparatus

The apparatus with a double-rail construction stabilizes and immobilizes the knee joint. It has a possibility of adjusting the angle of flexion and extension.

ERH 43/1 Open modular knee apparatus with canopy

ERH 43/1 Open modular knee apparatus with canopy

The apparatus stabilizes and immobilizes the knee joint. It is equipped with side rails and a breech of the joint with a possibility of adjusting the angle of flexion and extension every 15°. The resurfacing head of the knee joint additionally stabilizes in extension and improves the upright position.

ERH 35/2.ANTIHYPEREXTENSION, Dziecięca orteza korygująca przeprost stawu kolanowego

ERH 35/2.ANTIHYPEREXTENSION, Dziecięca orteza korygująca przeprost stawu kolanowego

Orteza znajduje zastosowanie głównie u dzieci z zaburzeniami chodu przebiegających z przeprostem stawu kolanowego. Przeznaczona dla pacjentów o nasileniu dysfunkcji w stopni lekkim oraz średnim.

ERH 52/1 Tibia and thigh apparatus redressing the knee joint, Neuroextense series

ERH 52/1 Tibia and thigh apparatus redressing the knee joint, Neuroextense series

The apparatus is quipped with an extension mechanisms of the joint. It is used in case of spasticity and muscle contractures bending the knee and ankle joints. It also comes in a version covering the ankle joint and the foot.

ERH 45 Open single joint brace

ERH 45 Open single joint brace

The orthosis in a static operation. It stabilizes and immobilizes the knee joint in flexion relatively every 20°. Side immobilization has the possibility of individual forming.

ERH 38/3A Thumb retracting brace, Neuron series

ERH 38/3A Thumb retracting brace, Neuron series

A series of orthoses intended for children with a functionally wrong positioning of the wrist and the thumb joint in the course of neurological disorders. The orthosis covers the thenar and the thumb, abducts it and prevents its flexion positioning.

ERH 38/3B Thumb retracting brace, Neuron series

ERH 38/3B Thumb retracting brace, Neuron series

A series of orthoses intended for children with a functionally wrong positioning of the wrist and the thumb joint in the course of neurological disorders.

ERH 38/4A Wrist and thumb orthosis, Neuron series

ERH 38/4A Wrist and thumb orthosis, Neuron series

A series of orthoses intended for children with a functionally wrong positioning of the wrist and the thumb joint in the course of neurological disorders.

ERH 38/4B Wrist and thumb orthosis, Neuron series

ERH 38/4B Wrist and thumb orthosis, Neuron series

A series of orthoses intended for children with a functionally wrong positioning of the wrist and the thumb joint in the course of neurological disorders.

ERH 47/2 Wrist splint with thumb retraction

ERH 47/2 Wrist splint with thumb retraction

It stabilizes the wrist joint in slight dorsalflexion with the possibility of the thumb abduction.

ERH 47/2 HYBRID/ Szyna na nadgarstek z odwiedzeniem kciuka

ERH 47/2 HYBRID/ Szyna na nadgarstek z odwiedzeniem kciuka

Wersja Hybrid przeznaczona jest głównie dla pacjentów neurologicznych. Daje lepsze możliwości korekcji ręki w przypadku spastyczności mięśni. Działaniem korekcyjnym obejmuje staw nadgarstkowy oraz kciuk.

ERH 47/1 Classic/ Forearm-hand splint with thumb retraction

ERH 47/1 Classic/ Forearm-hand splint with thumb retraction

The splint covers the wrist, palm and fingers. It allows individual forming of the palm ensuring the correction of the palm and fingers. The Classic version for patients with orthopedic injuries mostly.

ERH 47/1 Hybrid/ Forearm-hand splint with thumb retraction

ERH 47/1 Hybrid/ Forearm-hand splint with thumb retraction

The Hybrid version gives better possibilities of hand correction in case of muscle spasticity. The palm section enables individual formation and thus ensures the correction of the palm and fingers.

ERH 53 The figure-of-8 correcting posture shoulder brace

ERH 53 The figure-of-8 correcting posture shoulder brace

It stabilizes the shoulder girdle in the conservative treatment of the clavicle fractures. It complements the program of corrective exercises in the habit-forming process of correct posture.

ERH 53/1 Prostotrzymacz elastyczny z usztywnieniem

ERH 53/1 Prostotrzymacz elastyczny z usztywnieniem

Znajduje zastosowanie u pacjentów kwalifikujących się do korekcji postawy jako uzupełnienie programu gimnastyki korekcyjnej w procesie wyrabiania nawyku prawidłowego trzymania.

KANGAROO Dynamiczny stabilizator posturalny, seria Kangaroo SPIO

KANGAROO Dynamiczny stabilizator posturalny, seria Kangaroo SPIO

Orteza przeznaczona jest dla dzieci z deficytami neurologicznymi, narządu ruchu oraz innymi jednostkami chorobowymi. Mająca na celu poprawę warunków statycznych oraz dynamicznych w obrębie tułowia oraz całej sylwetki.

ERH 48/3 Medium Stiff/ Children thoraco-lumbo-sacral sleeve corset, TLSO series

ERH 48/3 Medium Stiff/ Children thoraco-lumbo-sacral sleeve corset, TLSO series

A semi-rigid orthosis with extension action mainly in the frontal plane. It enables the stabilization and correction of the trunk relative to the pelvis. It prevents lateral spine curvatures.

ERH 69 Children high semi-rigid belt with subaxiliary pads

ERH 69 Children high semi-rigid belt with subaxiliary pads

Extension brace acting primarily in the sagittal plane. It stabilizes and relieves thoracic-lumbar-sacral spine. It corrects the position of the shoulder girdle and the deepened thoracic kyphosis.

ERH 63 The Jewett corset TLSO

ERH 63 The Jewett corset TLSO

A corset with extension action, immobilizing in three planes, with optional additional stabilization of the cervical spine.

ERH 48/3 Strong Stiff/ Children thoraco-lumbo-sacral sleeve corset, TLSO series

ERH 48/3 Strong Stiff/ Children thoraco-lumbo-sacral sleeve corset, TLSO series

A rigid orthosis with extension action mainly in the frontal plane. It enables the stabilization and correction of the trunk relative to the pelvis. It prevents lateral spine curvatures.

ERH 80 Corset for scoliosis treatment – Scolio

ERH 80 Corset for scoliosis treatment – Scolio

The aim of a corset is to obtain correction and halt the curve progression in children s growth jumps. Other purposes of the corset are: providing vertebrae, muscles and ligaments correct conditions for growth and development through freedom of movement when performing exercises aiming at their rehabilitation and recovery.

ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO, Neuroextense series

ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO, Neuroextense series

A device with two side bars which has an effect on foot, ankle and shank, knee joint and thigh. Provided with pneumatic knee extensor mechanism. For patients with various neurological and orthopaedic dysfunctions of lower limb. Used in paresis and paralysis of knee and foot extensor muscles.

ERH 43/2 The open modular apparatus with sandal for lower limb KAFO, REHAortho series

ERH 43/2 The open modular apparatus with sandal for lower limb KAFO, REHAortho series

The apparatus with double-rail construction stabilizes the foot, as well as the knee and ankle joints. Three points in the thigh and shin parts allow for individual fitting of the apparatus and the adjustment of the degree of stabilization.

ERH 67/2 Splint-strap apparatus with sandal for the lower limb KAFO, REHAneuro series

ERH 67/2 Splint-strap apparatus with sandal for the lower limb KAFO, REHAneuro series

The apparatus with a rigid framework with two fixed points of the thigh and lower thigh support. It stabilizes the entire lower limb in the course of dysfunction of various origins. It has a possibility of the height adjustment of side rails within the ankle joint with the possibility of removing the alloy part.

ERH 49 ORTHOSIS – ankle joint stabilizer

ERH 49 ORTHOSIS – ankle joint stabilizer

The system of crossing straps and lateral bracing enhances the joint stabilization in cases of instabilities, as well as reinforces against and prevents contusions during the return to daily activities.

ERH 49/1 The brace immobilizing foot and talocrural joint – sport, REHAproactive series

ERH 49/1 The brace immobilizing foot and talocrural joint – sport, REHAproactive series

Device with two anatomically profiled and shaped orthosis providing side and medial ankle stabilisation. It ensures proper stabilisation without limiting plantarflexion and dorsiflexion of the foot. Diagonal strip provides protection against excessive foot supination.

ERH 49/2 Ankle joint brace, REHAproactive series

ERH 49/2 Ankle joint brace, REHAproactive series

Two contoured lateral scales stabilize laterally-medially the ankle joint without restricting the movement plantarflexion and dorsalflexion movements of the foot.

ERH 49/3 Ortho/ Sleeve crus apparatus with sandal

ERH 49/3 Ortho/ Sleeve crus apparatus with sandal

The apparatus stabilizes the foot and ankle in an intermediate position. The anterioposterior substrings additionally stabilize in the above mentioned position or support the plantarflexion and dorsalflexion movements of the foot.

ERH 71 Ortho Sleeve apparatus with sandal for crus

ERH 71 Ortho Sleeve apparatus with sandal for crus

A device with two side bars which has an effect on foot, ankle and shank. The elastic, thermoplastic foot part has a profiled longitudinal and latitudinal arch, it limits foot supination and pronation and it dynamically moves the foot back to the intermediate position during movement.

ERH 49/4 Substring for foot-drop, REHAneuro series

ERH 49/4 Substring for foot-drop, REHAneuro series

Designed for patients with impaired gait in diseases and dysfunction of the central or peripheral nervous system causing weakness of dorsiflexion, peroneal nerve palsy.

ERH 49/3 Ortho/ Sleeve crus apparatus with sandal

ERH 49/3 Ortho/ Sleeve crus apparatus with sandal

The apparatus stabilizes the foot and ankle in an intermediate position. The anterioposterior substrings additionally stabilize in the above mentioned position or support the plantarflexion and dorsalflexion movements of the foot.

ERH 71 Dynamic Sleeve apparatus with sandal for crus, REHAneuro series, AFO/DAFO

ERH 71 Dynamic Sleeve apparatus with sandal for crus, REHAneuro series, AFO/DAFO

Designed for patients with impaired gait in diseases and dysfunction of the central or peripheral nervous system causing weakness of dorsiflexion, peroneal nerve palsy.

AFO Extralong, seria rehaNEURO

AFO Extralong, seria rehaNEURO

Orteza przeznaczona dla pacjentów ze schorzeniami neurologicznymi oraz ortopedycznymi. Ma na celu unieruchomienie stopy w pozycji pośredniej dla utrzymania równowagi balansu mięśniowego oraz stabilizacji.

AFO active MAXI, Orteza obejmująca goleń i stopę AFO Joint Plus, seria rehaNEURO

AFO active MAXI, Orteza obejmująca goleń i stopę AFO Joint Plus, seria rehaNEURO

Orteza przeznaczona dla pacjentów ze schorzeniami neurologicznymi, u których na skutek wzmożonego napięcia mięśniowego występuje zgięciowe ustawienie stopy oraz przykurcz ścięgna Achilles uniemożliwiający pionizację.

ERH 35/K Knee joint brace short, REHAortho series

ERH 35/K Knee joint brace short, REHAortho series

Indispensable in healing and healing completion and perfect prevention of knee joint dysfunctions caused by traumatic degenerative and bacterial factors.

ERH 35 Knee joint brace, REHAortho series

ERH 35 Knee joint brace, REHAortho series

Indispensable in healing and healing completion and perfect prevention of knee joint dysfunctions caused by traumatic degenerative and bacterial factors.

ERH 43 Universal/ Open modular knee apparatus, REHAortho series

ERH 43 Universal/ Open modular knee apparatus, REHAortho series

Designed for post-traumatic and postoperative immobilization of the knee joint with limitation of motion and gradually increasing it. Condition after fractures, arthroscopic procedures, reconstruction, arthroplasty, instability following a ligament injury.

ERH 43 Open modular knee apparatus

ERH 43 Open modular knee apparatus

Indispensable in the post-operational periods after arthroscopy, alloplastics, reconstruction, and surgical interventions to the joint.

ERH 43/1 Open modular knee apparatus with canopy

ERH 43/1 Open modular knee apparatus with canopy

The apparatus is equipped with a polycentric biaxial splint with flexion/extension adjustment and a knee joint canopy, which facilitates the postural erection and movement of patients suffering from various muscular pareses. Indispensable in post-operative convalescence following arthroscopic procedures, knee joint alloplasty, reconstruction or surgical intervention around the joint.

ERH 52/1 Tibia and thigh apparatus redressing the knee joint, REHAneuro / Neuroextense series

ERH 52/1 Tibia and thigh apparatus redressing the knee joint, REHAneuro / Neuroextense series

Device with two side bars. Provided with pneumatic knee extensor mechanism causing continuous, steady extension of the spastic limb joint within the range from 105 degrees to full extension.

ERH 52/2 Orteza na przeprost na stawu kolanowego AntiHyperExtension, seria RehaNEURO

ERH 52/2 Orteza na przeprost na stawu kolanowego AntiHyperExtension, seria RehaNEURO

Aparat o konstrukcji dwuszynowej stabilizuje staw kolanowy. Przeznaczony dla pacjentów z dysfunkcjami w obrębie kończyny dolnej o podłożu głównie neurologicznym. Stan urazach przebiegających z niestabilnością oraz przeprostem stawu kolanowego.

ERH 45 Open single joint brace

ERH 45 Open single joint brace

A perfect alternative to plaster braces. Stabilizes the lower limb in extended position or in a 20-degree bend. Indispensable in the post-operational periods after arthroscopy, alloplastics, reconstruction, and surgical interventions to the joint.

ERH 46 Single-splint knee brace

ERH 46 Single-splint knee brace

Used in healing and healing completion of traumas and dysfunctions of the joint. Ensures nursing and protection of the joint. Optimal design and protection system.

ERH 34 Shoulder vest brace

ERH 34 Shoulder vest brace

An alternative to the Desault-type plaster brace. Stabilizes and immobilizes the upper limb. Applied in traumas to the shoulder girdle. Has a wide spectrum of application, from initial post-operation period to healing completion.

ERH 34/1 Arm and shoulder apparatus

ERH 34/1 Arm and shoulder apparatus

Stabilizes, immobilizes and relieves the upper limb. The brace is applied in fractures and ligament-muscular instability of the shoulder girdle.

ERH 34/2 The apparatus redressing the shoulder at 15 degrees

ERH 34/2 The apparatus redressing the shoulder at 15 degrees

The device ensures 15-degree abduction in the shoulder joint. The system of straps effectively supports the shoulder girdle without overexerting and overstraining the area of cervical spine section.

ERH 59 Shoulder joint stabilizer, REHAproactive series

ERH 59 Shoulder joint stabilizer, REHAproactive series

Healing completion and convalescence after traumatic injuries to the shoulder joint. Protects during physical exercises in the process of active rehabilitation.

ERH 59/1 Shoulder, arm and forearm apparatus, REHAneuro series

ERH 59/1 Shoulder, arm and forearm apparatus, REHAneuro series

It provides reposition of the humeral head, external rotation, and extension within the shoulder joint. The braces system effectively relieves the shoulders without causing overloads and solstices within the cervical spine.

ERH 54 Two-elements sling

ERH 54 Two-elements sling

Used with orthopaedic patients, as well as a provision after fractures and dislocation of the upper limbs, and with neurological cases, providing a perfect prevention of the antebrachial bone head subluxations.

ERH 56 Arm and forearm apparatus

ERH 56 Arm and forearm apparatus

Used in rehabilitation of post-traumatic injuries of the elbow joint structures and dysfunctions accompanied with actuation limitations of the joint. Additional wrist joint suspension ensures complete immobilization in distal antebrachial and arm fractures.

ERH 56/1 Arm and forearm apparatus providing the elbow joint redressment, REHAneuro / neuroextense series

ERH 56/1 Arm and forearm apparatus providing the elbow joint redressment, REHAneuro / neuroextense series

The product of the Neuroextense series, with a pneumatic extension of the elbow joint. It is used in the process of rehabilitation after injuries within the elbow joint with a limited range of motion in the joint with a muscle origin.

ERH 42 Elbow joint brace

ERH 42 Elbow joint brace

Used in rehabilitation of post-traumatic injuries of the elbow joint structures and dysfunctions accompanied with actuation limitations of the joint.

ERH 42/1 Forearm-arm apparatus with splints and straps, REHAproactive series

ERH 42/1 Forearm-arm apparatus with splints and straps, REHAproactive series

Used in post-traumatic rehabilitation of the joint during physiotherapy, convalescence or full professional / sports activity.

ERH 46/1 Single-splint knee brace

ERH 46/1 Single-splint knee brace

Used in healing and healing completion of the traumas of the ligamentous apparatus. The product is used in healing and healing completion of traumas to the ligamentous apparatus, as well as for nursing and protection of the joint during the convalescence period. Optimal design and protection system.

ERH 54 Two-elements sling

ERH 54 Two-elements sling

Used with orthopaedic patients, as well as a provision after fractures and dislocation of the upper limbs, and with neurological cases, providing a perfect prevention of the antebrachial bone head subluxations.

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