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Strona główna >Orthotics for children >Torso orthoses >Relieving and stabilizing >KANGAROO Dynamic postural stabilizer, Kangaroo SPIO series

KANGAROO Dynamic postural stabilizer, Kangaroo SPIO series

  • Children with neurophysiological disorders (m.p.d., delay in psychomotor development).

  • Spina bifida.

  • Muscular dystrophies.

  • Down syndrome,

  • Sensory integration disorders with sudden loss of balance and gravity uncertainty.

  • Stabilizes the trunk and pelvis.
  • Corrects excessive anterior or posterior pelvic tilt.
  • Shoulder protraction and retraction.
  • Facilitates spine elongation.
  • Supports the formation and development of the correct mechanism of the postural reflex.
  • Enables and facilitates the development of balance reactions and defensive support.
  • Facilitates the correction of postural defects in children with intermediate states of postural hypotomy.
  • Supports the development of sensorimotor integration.



brings positive effects in the form of improved functional status along with improved postural stability as well as reduced involuntary movements

A brace made of flexible material worn on the torso, individually made to suit the child’s needs. They provide support and control while allowing you to move.

The Kangaroo brace is each time made individually based on the collected length and circumference measurements.


The compression base of the Kangaroo orthosis is available in various forms depending on individual indications, the child’s functional capabilities, and biometric conditions such as age, weight, and height.

  • Forma Basic is dedicated to the youngest patients who are active when lying down and in low positions. Crawling, crawling, trying to sit.
  • Easy form, two-piece design allows for easy installation for heavier patients who often lie down. Dedicated mainly to older patients to improve stabilization while sitting or standing upright. In this form of orthosis, it is additionally recommended to use a stronger, stiffer material. Aimed at increasing the stabilizing and relieving effect.
  • The Zip – Zap form with a central zipper allows for easy and quick putting on and taking off the orthosis. Dedicated mainly to older patients whose torso width and length preclude the possibility of pulling on the orthosis as in the case of the Basic form. The zip-zap form has a fastening at the crotch to facilitate hygiene and sanitary activities.
  • Forma Pants with legs and a central zipper is dedicated mainly to walking patients. The brace, covering the entire pelvis and thighs, supports the work of the gluteal muscles, thereby positioning and stabilizing it. The compression base of the Kangaroo brace is the basis for attaching further stabilizing or corrective elements to it. 


Stabilizing or corrective elements take the form of elastic bands, back frames or anatomically profiled plastic elements, which, depending on the course, may support the extension or flexion of the torso. Posterior pelvic tilt, shoulder retraction or protraction.


The number, nature and manner of these elements are selected taking into account the individual needs of the patient.


The material from which the orthosis is made is a combination of two very thin knitted fabrics. The outer layer is a very durable and flexible fabric with compressive and tightening properties. The inner layer, which has long-term contact with the body, is made of natural cotton to ensure comfort and safety during use.


This combination allows for very good ventilation and air flow while maintaining good compression and astringent properties of the material.

ERHEM products are subject to reimbursement of purchase costs by:

National Health Fund


To apply for a refund for any product in the field of standard and individual orthotics, follow the algorithm below


  1. The family doctor issues a referral to a specialist
  2. A specialist doctor or physiotherapist issues an order (application) for specific orthopedic equipment. In the case of a physiotherapist, it is possible to obtain an order only for standard equipment. Individual, tailor-made orthotics are ordered by a specialist doctor. 
  3. A confirmed order (application) can be completed in a medical salon or orthopedic facility.


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Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Zakład Elektromechaniczny ERHEM Hończak i Wspólnicy Sp.J., Aleksandra Puszkina 6, 39-200 Dębica (dalej: erhem.pl) moich danych osobowych oraz danych dotyczących korzystania przeze mnie z portalu erhem.pl w ramach korespondencji. Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że mogę w dowolnym momencie wycofać tę zgodę. Wycofanie przeze mnie zgody nie ma wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie mojej zgody przed jej wycofaniem. Oświadczam, że zapoznałem się z Polityką Prywatności i akceptuję ich warunki. *

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Aleksandra Puszkina 6,
39-200 Dębica