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Strona główna >ERH 66/3 STEP SIT + accessories

ERH 66/3 STEP SIT + accessories

  • The ROLL rolling platform and the DESK table are designed for patients who already use the ERH 66/3 step sit orthosis.
  • They allow the child to increase mobility.
  • They enable gaining independence in moving around and interacting with the environment.
  • A very quick and intuitive way of removing the orthosis makes it easy to use with the ROLL platform
  • The adjustable handlebar helps the child assume an upright position when trying to move.
  • The child feels comfortable thanks to his or her own table.
  • The table can be used as a dinner table, a play desk, or a place for manual therapy.
  • The platform can be adjusted in height from the ground.
  • All wheels have a brake.
  • Height-adjustable handlebar is standard equipment of the ROLL platform.
  • The table is height adjustable.
  • It is installed in place after the steering wheel is extended.




ERHEM products are subject to reimbursement of purchase costs by:

National Health Fund

To apply for a refund for any product, follow the algorithm below

  1. The family doctor issues a referral to a specialist
  2. The specialist doctor issues an order (application) for orthopedic equipment
  3. The order (application) must be confirmed at a branch of the National Health Fund
  4. The confirmed order (application) can be completed in the medical salon


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Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Zakład Elektromechaniczny ERHEM Hończak i Wspólnicy Sp.J., Aleksandra Puszkina 6, 39-200 Dębica (dalej: erhem.pl) moich danych osobowych oraz danych dotyczących korzystania przeze mnie z portalu erhem.pl w ramach korespondencji. Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że mogę w dowolnym momencie wycofać tę zgodę. Wycofanie przeze mnie zgody nie ma wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie mojej zgody przed jej wycofaniem. Oświadczam, że zapoznałem się z Polityką Prywatności i akceptuję ich warunki. *

Produkty powiązane
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ERH 66/3 STEP SIT Stabilizing and corrective orthosis for the hip joint, pelvis and torso

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HKAFO joint plus, 1 step lock/2 steps lock

HKAFO joint plus, 1 step lock/2 steps lock

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AFO Extra long, Orthosis covering shin and foot, AFO/DAFO series

AFO Extra long, Orthosis covering shin and foot, AFO/DAFO series

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ERH 38/4A Wrist and thumb orthosis, Neuron series

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KANGAROO Dynamic postural stabilizer, Kangaroo SPIO series

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ERH 48/3 Medium Stiff/ Children thoraco-lumbo-sacral sleeve corset, TLSO series

ERH 48/3 Medium Stiff/ Children thoraco-lumbo-sacral sleeve corset, TLSO series

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Aleksandra Puszkina 6,
39-200 Dębica