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Orthotics for adults
ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO, Neuroextense series

ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO, Neuroextense series

A device with two side bars which has an effect on foot, ankle and shank, knee joint and thigh. Provided with pneumatic knee extensor mechanism. For patients with various neurological and orthopaedic dysfunctions of lower limb. Used in paresis and paralysis of knee and foot extensor muscles.

ERH 67/2 Splint-strap apparatus with sandal for the lower limb KAFO, REHAneuro series

ERH 67/2 Splint-strap apparatus with sandal for the lower limb KAFO, REHAneuro series

The apparatus with a rigid framework with two fixed points of the thigh and lower thigh support. It stabilizes the entire lower limb in the course of dysfunction of various origins. It has a possibility of the height adjustment of side rails within the ankle joint with the possibility of removing the alloy part.

ERH 49/4 Substring for foot-drop, REHAneuro series

ERH 49/4 Substring for foot-drop, REHAneuro series

Designed for patients with impaired gait in diseases and dysfunction of the central or peripheral nervous system causing weakness of dorsiflexion, peroneal nerve palsy.

ERH 49/3 Ortho/ Sleeve crus apparatus with sandal

ERH 49/3 Ortho/ Sleeve crus apparatus with sandal

The apparatus stabilizes the foot and ankle in an intermediate position. The anterioposterior substrings additionally stabilize in the above mentioned position or support the plantarflexion and dorsalflexion movements of the foot.

ERH 71 Dynamic Sleeve apparatus with sandal for crus, REHAneuro series, AFO/DAFO

ERH 71 Dynamic Sleeve apparatus with sandal for crus, REHAneuro series, AFO/DAFO

Designed for patients with impaired gait in diseases and dysfunction of the central or peripheral nervous system causing weakness of dorsiflexion, peroneal nerve palsy.

AFO Extralong, rehaNEURO series

AFO Extralong, rehaNEURO series

Brace intended for patients with neurological and orthopedic diseases. Its purpose is to immobilize the foot in an intermediate position to maintain muscle balance and stabilization.

AFO active MAXI, AFO Joint Plus shin and foot orthosis, rehaNEURO series

AFO active MAXI, AFO Joint Plus shin and foot orthosis, rehaNEURO series

The orthosis is intended for patients with neurological diseases who, due to increased muscle tension, have a flexed position of the foot and contracture of the Achilles tendon, which prevents verticalization.

ERH 52/1 Tibia and thigh apparatus redressing the knee joint, REHAneuro / Neuroextense series

ERH 52/1 Tibia and thigh apparatus redressing the knee joint, REHAneuro / Neuroextense series

Device with two side bars. Provided with pneumatic knee extensor mechanism causing continuous, steady extension of the spastic limb joint within the range from 105 degrees to full extension.

ERH 52/2 AntiHyperExtension knee brace, RehaNEURO series

ERH 52/2 AntiHyperExtension knee brace, RehaNEURO series

The device with a two-rail structure stabilizes the knee joint. Intended for patients with lower limb dysfunctions, mainly neurological. Condition of injuries involving instability and hyperextension of the knee joint.

ERH 59/1 Shoulder, arm and forearm apparatus, REHAneuro series

ERH 59/1 Shoulder, arm and forearm apparatus, REHAneuro series

It provides reposition of the humeral head, external rotation, and extension within the shoulder joint. The braces system effectively relieves the shoulders without causing overloads and solstices within the cervical spine.

ERH 56/1 Arm and forearm apparatus providing the elbow joint redressment, REHAneuro / neuroextense series

ERH 56/1 Arm and forearm apparatus providing the elbow joint redressment, REHAneuro / neuroextense series

The product of the Neuroextense series, with a pneumatic extension of the elbow joint. It is used in the process of rehabilitation after injuries within the elbow joint with a limited range of motion in the joint with a muscle origin.

ERH 47 Forearm and palm splint

ERH 47 Forearm and palm splint

The innovative profiled metal splint can be formed in the palm section, which enables its use in orthopaedic and neurological cases.

ERH 47/1 Forearm-palm splint with thumb retraction

ERH 47/1 Forearm-palm splint with thumb retraction

The innovative profiled metal splint can be formed in the palm section, which enables its use in orthopaedic and neurological cases. Additional thumb catch and support ensures its stability and can be shaped to suit individual needs.

Orthotics for children
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39-200 Dębica