ERH 64 Frame corset of thoraco-lumbo-sacral spine section CTLSO, REHAortho / Vertebra set series

- Fractures of vertebral bodies and spinous processes caused by various factors
- Post-traumatic joints instability due to ligaments and muscles system trauma
- Immobilization after intervertebral disc surgeries
- Post-operational recovery
- Spine deformations
- Pathological vertebra fractures
- Triplane spine stabilization of Th6 – L5 section
- Provides three planes of stabilization: limits the movement of flexion and extension, lateral bending and spine rotation
- It has the length and width regulation of trunk and cervical pads
- To adapt the corset to individual needs there is a possibility to adjust the pads by bending
DORSAL PART: - Enables easy transformation into the high semi-rigid belt with armpit pads after the therapy using the abdominal part is finished
- It is equipped with 4 profiled, metal fins: 2 vertical and 2 horizontal with possibility of individual forming
- The corset has TWO OPTIONS of cervical spine stabilization:
- low (wreath)
- high (wreath and aureola)

Size | S | M | L |
Waist circumference in cm | 65-80 | 80-95 |
95-110 |
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