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Orthotics for adults
ERH 43/2 The open modular apparatus with sandal for lower limb KAFO, REHAortho series

ERH 43/2 The open modular apparatus with sandal for lower limb KAFO, REHAortho series

The apparatus with double-rail construction stabilizes the foot, as well as the knee and ankle joints. Three points in the thigh and shin parts allow for individual fitting of the apparatus and the adjustment of the degree of stabilization.

ERH 49 ORTHOSIS – ankle joint stabilizer

ERH 49 ORTHOSIS – ankle joint stabilizer

The system of crossing straps and lateral bracing enhances the joint stabilization in cases of instabilities, as well as reinforces against and prevents contusions during the return to daily activities.

ERH 49/3 Ortho/ Sleeve crus apparatus with sandal

ERH 49/3 Ortho/ Sleeve crus apparatus with sandal

The apparatus stabilizes the foot and ankle in an intermediate position. The anterioposterior substrings additionally stabilize in the above mentioned position or support the plantarflexion and dorsalflexion movements of the foot.

ERH 71 Ortho Sleeve apparatus with sandal for crus

ERH 71 Ortho Sleeve apparatus with sandal for crus

A device with two side bars which has an effect on foot, ankle and shank. The elastic, thermoplastic foot part has a profiled longitudinal and latitudinal arch, it limits foot supination and pronation and it dynamically moves the foot back to the intermediate position during movement.

ERH 35/K Knee joint brace short, REHAortho series

ERH 35/K Knee joint brace short, REHAortho series

Indispensable in healing and healing completion and perfect prevention of knee joint dysfunctions caused by traumatic degenerative and bacterial factors.

ERH 35 Knee joint brace, REHAortho series

ERH 35 Knee joint brace, REHAortho series

Indispensable in healing and healing completion and perfect prevention of knee joint dysfunctions caused by traumatic degenerative and bacterial factors.

ERH 43 Universal/ Open modular knee apparatus, REHAortho series

ERH 43 Universal/ Open modular knee apparatus, REHAortho series

Designed for post-traumatic and postoperative immobilization of the knee joint with limitation of motion and gradually increasing it. Condition after fractures, arthroscopic procedures, reconstruction, arthroplasty, instability following a ligament injury.

ERH 43 Open modular knee apparatus

ERH 43 Open modular knee apparatus

Indispensable in the post-operational periods after arthroscopy, alloplastics, reconstruction, and surgical interventions to the joint.

ERH 43/1 Open modular knee apparatus with canopy

ERH 43/1 Open modular knee apparatus with canopy

The apparatus is equipped with a polycentric biaxial splint with flexion/extension adjustment and a knee joint canopy, which facilitates the postural erection and movement of patients suffering from various muscular pareses. Indispensable in post-operative convalescence following arthroscopic procedures, knee joint alloplasty, reconstruction or surgical intervention around the joint.

ERH 45 Open single joint brace

ERH 45 Open single joint brace

A perfect alternative to plaster braces. Stabilizes the lower limb in extended position or in a 20-degree bend. Indispensable in the post-operational periods after arthroscopy, alloplastics, reconstruction, and surgical interventions to the joint.

ERH 46 Single-splint knee brace

ERH 46 Single-splint knee brace

Used in healing and healing completion of traumas and dysfunctions of the joint. Ensures nursing and protection of the joint. Optimal design and protection system.

ERH 34 Shoulder vest brace

ERH 34 Shoulder vest brace

An alternative to the Desault-type plaster brace. Stabilizes and immobilizes the upper limb. Applied in traumas to the shoulder girdle. Has a wide spectrum of application, from initial post-operation period to healing completion.

ERH 34/1 Arm and shoulder apparatus

ERH 34/1 Arm and shoulder apparatus

Stabilizes, immobilizes and relieves the upper limb. The brace is applied in fractures and ligament-muscular instability of the shoulder girdle.

ERH 34/2 The apparatus redressing the shoulder at 15 degrees

ERH 34/2 The apparatus redressing the shoulder at 15 degrees

The device ensures 15-degree abduction in the shoulder joint. The system of straps effectively supports the shoulder girdle without overexerting and overstraining the area of cervical spine section.

ERH 54 Two-elements sling

ERH 54 Two-elements sling

Used with orthopaedic patients, as well as a provision after fractures and dislocation of the upper limbs, and with neurological cases, providing a perfect prevention of the antebrachial bone head subluxations.

ERH 56 Arm and forearm apparatus

ERH 56 Arm and forearm apparatus

Used in rehabilitation of post-traumatic injuries of the elbow joint structures and dysfunctions accompanied with actuation limitations of the joint. Additional wrist joint suspension ensures complete immobilization in distal antebrachial and arm fractures.

ERH 42 Elbow joint brace

ERH 42 Elbow joint brace

Used in rehabilitation of post-traumatic injuries of the elbow joint structures and dysfunctions accompanied with actuation limitations of the joint.

ERH 46/1 Single-splint knee brace

ERH 46/1 Single-splint knee brace

Used in healing and healing completion of the traumas of the ligamentous apparatus. The product is used in healing and healing completion of traumas to the ligamentous apparatus, as well as for nursing and protection of the joint during the convalescence period. Optimal design and protection system.

ERH 54 Two-elements sling

ERH 54 Two-elements sling

Used with orthopaedic patients, as well as a provision after fractures and dislocation of the upper limbs, and with neurological cases, providing a perfect prevention of the antebrachial bone head subluxations.

ERH 50 Wrist brace – universal

ERH 50 Wrist brace – universal

Indispensable in healing and healing completion of traumas of the radial-wrist joint. The system of optional splint displacement and compression straps enable the perfect stabilization of the joint, eliminating any undesired wrist movement.

ERH 38 Wrist brace

ERH 38 Wrist brace

Indispensable in healing and healing completion of traumas of the radial-wrist joint. 3 splints and compression straps enable the perfect stabilization of the joint, eliminating any undesired wrist movement.

ERH 38/1 Wrist and thumb brace

ERH 38/1 Wrist and thumb brace

Indispensable in healing and healing completion of traumas of the radial-wrist joint. 3 splints and compression straps enable the perfect stabilization of the joint, eliminating any undesired wrist movement.

ERH 47 Forearm and palm splint

ERH 47 Forearm and palm splint

The innovative profiled metal splint can be formed in the palm section, which enables its use in orthopaedic and neurological cases.

ERH 65 The frame cervico-thoracic spine corset CTO, REHAortho / Vertebra set series

ERH 65 The frame cervico-thoracic spine corset CTO, REHAortho / Vertebra set series

The light structure of the brace stabilizes the cervical section of the spine and segments from C2 to Th2. The open design of the collar facilitates its adjustment and provides easy access to the body.

ERH 51 3-point frame corset by Bahler-Voigt TLSO, REHAortho / Vertebra set series

ERH 51 3-point frame corset by Bahler-Voigt TLSO, REHAortho / Vertebra set series

An alternative to the Jewett jacket. Enhances healing and healing completion after spine surgery, traumatic and osteoporotic vertebral fractures, as well as articular section dysfunctions.

ERH 63 The Jewett corset TLSO, Vertebra set series

ERH 63 The Jewett corset TLSO, Vertebra set series

Provides stable immobilization on all planes to limit flexion, extension, side bends and spine rotation. The device enhances treatment and its completion following surgical procedures of the spine, traumatic fractures and osteoporotic vertebrae.

ERH 64 Frame corset of thoraco-lumbo-sacral spine section CTLSO, REHAortho / Vertebra set series

ERH 64 Frame corset of thoraco-lumbo-sacral spine section CTLSO, REHAortho / Vertebra set series

The light structure of the corset provides tri-planar stabilization of the entire spine. Its open design allows easy access to the patient’s body, as well as the adjustment of thoracic and head support pads to individual needs.

ERH 60 Flexible proper posture keeper with bracing

ERH 60 Flexible proper posture keeper with bracing

The upright keeper is made of elastic, openwork fabric ensuring good compression, strengthened with two stainless steel reinforcements. The dorsal part of the upright keeper and adjusting straps is fastened with a Velcro, which enables individual adjustment according to the patient’s needs and ability. The materials used in production are skin friendly.

ERH 48/1 High semi-rigid belt with subaxiliary pads

ERH 48/1 High semi-rigid belt with subaxiliary pads

The two independent components (the high semi-rigid jacket and the dorsal section) allow adjusting the product perfectly to patient’s height and selective application during exacerbations and remissions of disorders.

ERH 36 Sacro-lumbal low belt, REHAortho series

ERH 36 Sacro-lumbal low belt, REHAortho series

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

ERH 37 Sacro-lumbal belt, REHAortho series

ERH 37 Sacro-lumbal belt, REHAortho series

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

ERH 37/1 High sacro-lumbar belt

ERH 37/1 High sacro-lumbar belt

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

ERH 62 High lumbo-sacral jacket, REHAortho series

ERH 62 High lumbo-sacral jacket, REHAortho series

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

ERH 48 High semi-rigid jacket, REHAortho series

ERH 48 High semi-rigid jacket, REHAortho series

The product is reinforced with six flexible stainless steel fins shaped to reflect the lumbar lordosis. Enhances healing of acute and chronic lumbar-sacral disorders, caused by degenerative and productive disorders, as well as traumas, congenital and developmental factors.

ERH 53 The figure-of-8 correcting posture shoulder brace, REHAortho series

ERH 53 The figure-of-8 correcting posture shoulder brace, REHAortho series

Designed for patients qualified for posture corrections as a supplement to corrective exercises in the process of augmenting proper upright posture.

ERH 53/1 The figure-of-8 correcting posture shoulder brace with splint, REHAortho series

ERH 53/1 The figure-of-8 correcting posture shoulder brace with splint, REHAortho series

The extensive action of the shoulder brace relieves the vertebrae of the pectoral spine. A wide range of application for patients qualified for posture correction makes the brace a complementary solution in corrective exercise regimes.

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