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Strona główna >Orthotics for adults >Lower limb braces for adults >Knee joint - ankle joint - KAFO >ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO, Neuroextense series

ERH 67/1 Splint-strap lower limb apparatus with sandal – KAFO, Neuroextense series

  • The apparatus is designed for patients with decreased strength of quadriceps muscle, contractures or knee joint and foot flexors spasticity due to:
  • Post-traumatic brain injuries
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Brain stroke
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Meningomyelocele
  • Complications after fracture

  • Frame, double-splinted construction of apparatus counteracts instability and uncontrolled rotating movement of the joint
  • Four fixed fulcrums in the posterior part provide the even flexing forces distribution

  • Pneumatic extension mechanism causes constant and fluent movement of stretching (redressment) of constructed muscles and supports the joint extension of patients with decreased tension. The range of flexion is from 105° to the full extension with possibility of movement limitation every 15°
  • Extension force is individually selected
  • The apparatus is available in foot and ankle joint version (ERH 67/1) that provides maintaining the proper length of muscles flexing foot and knee joint
  • According to individual indications, it is equipped with the ankle joint movable mechanism with possibility of total fixation
  • The openwork structure of apparatus decreases its weight, risk of abrasions and bruises and facilitates hygiene during usage

Pneumatic extension mechanism
of the knee joint

Adjustment of the height
of the ankle joint splints

If the size is not quoted in the size table, use the individual measurement chart.
Size XS S M L XL + specify the length of the foot in cm for a given size
Length in cm
Orthosis total length 42 51 65 74 81
The lengt of the knee-groin 15 18 21 24 27
The length of the knee – ankle 15 20 30 35 38
The length of the knee-outer edge of the foot 27 33 44 50 54
Circumference in cm
Circumference at the thickest point of the thigh 34 40 46 52 58
Circumference at the thickest point of the shank 24 28 32 36 40
Circumference above the ankle 20 21 22 23 24

ERHEM’s products are subject to reimbursement of purchase costs by:

National Health Fund

To apply for a refund of any product, follow the algorithm below

  1. The family doctor issues a referral to a specialist
  2. The specialist doctor issues an order (application) for orthopedic equipment
  3. The order (application) must be confirmed at the NFZ branch
  4. Confirmed order (application) can be carried out in the medical salon


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Aleksandra Puszkina 6,
39-200 Dębica