Enables stabilization of the lower limbs, pelvis and torso during upright positioning in the course of:
- MPDz
- myelomeningocele,
- poliomyelitis,
- traumatic brain injury.
HKAFO.BASIC przeznaczona jest dla najmłodszych pacjentów.
- Umożliwia pionizację,
- zmianę środka ciężkości,
- trening balansu oraz reakcji nastawczych
- The brace has adjustable length of hip and ankle splints.
- The movable hinge in the ankle joint can be locked in an intermediate position.
ERHEM products are subject to reimbursement of purchase costs by:
To apply for a refund for any product, follow the algorithm below
- The family doctor issues a referral to a specialist
- The specialist doctor issues an order (application) for orthopedic equipment
- The order (application) must be confirmed at a branch of the National Health Fund
- The confirmed order (application) can be completed in the medical salon