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Strona główna >Constitutional hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis HKAFO

Constitutional hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis HKAFO

The orthosis is for children and youth. It enables the adoption of a stable seated or standing posture. The individual abilities of a patient decide about the stabilization of the trunk. The modular design of orthotics enables the adjustment of its height.
The apparatus enables stabilization of lower limbs, pelvis and trunk during getting a straight position and learning elements of walking. It is equipped with moveable hip, knee and ankle joint flexing mechanisms having possibility of total blockage and gradual unblocking according to rehabilitation process progress. By regulation of hip and ankle joints splints length the exact adaptation of the brace to the child’s height is possible.
The openwork construction and natural fabric, the apparatus is covered with, provide the light weight and comfort of using.
According to individual needs the brace provides: putting the foot with the shoe inside the orthosis increasing the supporting area or putting the anatomically profiled sandal into the shoe.

It is used in the lack of stability and control of the pelvis and lower limbs in the course of:
Cerebral palsy

Easy replacement of the alloy part

  • Enables stabilization of lower limbs and trunk during verticalization and gait re-education.

The HKAFO orthosis is made based on individual measurements for each patient.


Depending on the type of disease, individual patient capabilities and medical recommendations. The orthosis is made in various versions and using different components, movable hinges of the hip, knee and ankle joints. 


  • Version with a boot covering the footwear increases the support plane and facilitates verticalization.
  • The version with an integrated orthosis from the AFO/DAFO series inserted into the footwear allows you to learn and improve walking. The AFO/DAFO series orthosis can be easily dismantled to change the size.
  • The version with a steering wheel allows greater freedom of movement. It facilitates independent movement with the assistance of a parent or therapist. Depending on the type of disease and medical recommendations, the device is equipped with movable hip, knee and ankle hinges that can be locked and gradually unlocked as rehabilitation progresses.


Movable hinges used in constructed orthoses.

  • 1R/30° Allows you to immobilize or limit the range of flexion and extension of the joint every 30°
  • 1R/15° Allows you to immobilize or limit the range of flexion and extension of the joint every 15°


1R/30° and 1R/15° hinges are dedicated to making orthoses for patients after injuries or with diseases and complications, mainly orthopedic. As a result, it is necessary to immobilize the joint in a specific position and gradually increase its range of motion.


  • 1 Step Lock – One-step hinge with self-locking bolt after extension.

Allows you to quickly release the extension lock and move to a sitting position. Recommended for patients with severe quadriceps muscle insufficiency that makes it impossible to maintain joint extension under load and in a standing position.


Locomotion using a brace with a 1 step lock hinge in the knee joint involves walking without movement in the knee joint “on a stiff knee”


  • 2 Steps Lock – A dual-function hinge enabling alternating operation in two modes. 

1 STEP – The operation of the hinge in this mode is identical to that of the 1 step lock hinge. It immobilizes the joint after achieving full extension. It allows you to quickly release the lock and move to a sitting position.

2 STEP – STAND and SWING mode. It allows free movement of the joint in the range from full extension to 30 degrees of flexion in the knee joint. (0-30) or (30 flexion – 0-30 extension) in the hip joint. The bolt lock is quickly released from 30 degrees. It allows you to freely move to a sitting position.


Switching between 1 STEP and 2 STEPs modes is done by turning the lock from position 1 to pos. 2 and vice versa.

2 Steps Lock is recommended for patients with preserved quadriceps function. With flaccid paresis and partial closing movement of the joint.

The patient in the range of 0-30 exercises independent extension movement while walking, tries to overcome his own weight and brakes. “stand and swing”


The 1 Step lock and 2 Steps lock hinges are dedicated to making orthoses for patients with neurological diseases and complications.

The 1 Step lock hinge is intended mainly for the knee joint

The 2 Steps lock hinge is designed for the knee or hip joint.






ERHEM’s products are subject to reimbursement of purchase costs by:

National Health Fund

To apply for a refund of any product, follow the algorithm below

  1. The family doctor issues a referral to a specialist
  2. The specialist doctor issues an order (application) for orthopedic equipment
  3. The order (application) must be confirmed at the NFZ branch
  4. Confirmed order (application) can be carried out in the medical salon


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