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Orthotics for adults
ERH 35/M Knee stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/M Knee stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

Prevention of minor trauma to the knee joint. Nursing the joint during immunological and strain-related degenerative disorder.

ERH 35/R Knee stabilizing brace with kneecap opening, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/R Knee stabilizing brace with kneecap opening, REHAproactive series

Prevention of minor trauma to the knee joint. Nursing the joint during immunological and strain-related degenerative disorder. Additional knee cap stabilization prevents traumatic and habitual displacements.

ERH 35/R/1 Kneecap stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/R/1 Kneecap stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

Stabilization of the patellar-thigh joint in the prevention of contusions during sports activities and a complement to post-traumatic joint rehabilitation.

ERH 35/F Kneecap stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/F Kneecap stabilizing brace, REHAproactive series

Healing completion and convalescence after traumatic injuries of the knee joint. Protection in physical exercise during active rehabilitation. Additional stability through four metal lateral fins enhances joint stabilization.

ERH 35/F/U Knee stabilizing brace with slant belts, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/F/U Knee stabilizing brace with slant belts, REHAproactive series

Healing completion and convalescence after traumatic injuries of the knee joint. Protection in physical exercise during active rehabilitation. Additional stability through four metal lateral fins and slant belts enhances the joint stability.

ERH 35/K/S Knee joint brace short Sport, REHAproactive series

ERH 35/K/S Knee joint brace short Sport, REHAproactive series

The sewn-in biaxial lateral splints provide stability and safety during sports activity and the return to full physical performance. Indispensable in treatment, completion of treatment and prevention of traumatic, bacterial and degenerative dysfunctions.

ERH 49/1 The brace immobilizing foot and talocrural joint – sport, REHAproactive series

ERH 49/1 The brace immobilizing foot and talocrural joint – sport, REHAproactive series

Device with two anatomically profiled and shaped orthosis providing side and medial ankle stabilisation. It ensures proper stabilisation without limiting plantarflexion and dorsiflexion of the foot. Diagonal strip provides protection against excessive foot supination.

ERH 49/2 Ankle joint brace, REHAproactive series

ERH 49/2 Ankle joint brace, REHAproactive series

Two contoured lateral scales stabilize laterally-medially the ankle joint without restricting the movement plantarflexion and dorsalflexion movements of the foot.

ERH 59 Shoulder joint stabilizer, REHAproactive series

ERH 59 Shoulder joint stabilizer, REHAproactive series

Healing completion and convalescence after traumatic injuries to the shoulder joint. Protects during physical exercises in the process of active rehabilitation.

ERH 42/1 Forearm-arm apparatus with splints and straps, REHAproactive series

ERH 42/1 Forearm-arm apparatus with splints and straps, REHAproactive series

Used in post-traumatic rehabilitation of the joint during physiotherapy, convalescence or full professional / sports activity.

ERH 38/2 Soft wrist brace, REHAproactive series

ERH 38/2 Soft wrist brace, REHAproactive series

Nursing and prevention of minor traumas of the radial-wrist joint. The materials preserves proper body temperature which alleviates pain, increases edema reduction and natural trauma healing ratios.

ERH 61 Orthopedic strengthening belt, REHAproactive series

ERH 61 Orthopedic strengthening belt, REHAproactive series

Designer for people carrying out hard physical work, as prevention of strains and supplement to the rehabilitation in ongoing disorders. The product is reinforced with four flexible stainless steel fins shaped, which reflect the spine curvature.

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39-200 Dębica